Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Recovery Technology is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



248 High Street, Exeter, England, EX4 3PZ


+44 7488 880162

Company’s Business Model

Company’s Business Model

The company intends to pursue a reliable business model equipped with the services and products available to our company to give us the opportunity to acquire commercial franchisees and use our leading brand anywhere in the world with high flexibility. The company seeks to

acquire commercial franchisees by following a business model based on a

high level of development and productivity that transcends customer needs by offering a wide range of high-quality and high-efficiency products and services. Recovery will rely on operating its revenue from products and services as an Ipedia product for talking headphones that

simulate human knowledge and also by targeting other projects such as the Yumi apps for food services and delivery and Washer for online laundry ordering services.

Company’s products and services

The company works to provide the products and services to be acquired, such as Ipedia’s smart headphones product, where the company’s business and revenue will be most dependent on this product. Other applications will be included in the company’s services, such as the Yemi for food services and delivery apps and Washer for online laundry ordering services.


We have a professional team with the constant passion to learn everything new, to serve you with his experience and skills, to work hard to deliver excellent services, to reach the highest standards of creativity, and to match quality standards.

Customer needs

The company will take it upon itself to meet all customers’ needs in terms of product efficiency and high quality and to meet customers’ satisfaction in providing advice and assistance.

 Potential clients

The company is targeting customers in need of our services and products who need the right of commercial franchise and are being sold the commercial franchise rights or agency for the product provided.